Professional Reader Snow's book hollow: Boot camp

Saturday, 5 May 2012

Boot camp

Boot camp
Todd Strasser

* * * * (4 stars)
I really liked this book!

This was a very eye opening book.

Have your mother or father ever hinted that they wish you were more like a friend of yours. That you like somethings more and somethings less? Well I bet they have but would never sent you away to force you to become that image would they? Boot camp is about a boy named Garrett who is in love with his teacher. Of course his parents found out they were dating and before he could think of a lie a car was sent to forcefully pick him up and takes him away to a camp. What nobody knows this is no ordinary boot camp this is more like brain wash camp. Garrett is tortured for months physically and psychological. Will he stay true to his believes? 

"you don't get out by giving them what you think they want . You get don't get out until you are what the want"

A very good read!!!

I also want to quote another paragraph :

"Once again I pick up the wrapper then wait for the next order. Joe tells me to give it to him,when I do, he drops it. "Pick it up ,stupid." 
I do what he says."Give it to me."
He drops it.
"Pick it up, stupid"
"Give it to me"
"Pick it up, stupid"
"Give it to me"
(I skipped a few lines here)

"Finally, I make a mistake. He drops the wrapper and I bend to pick it up. Crunk! He knees me in the face. Blood gushes out of my nose dripping onto my shirt.

This was a very good book. I loved it read it in 3 hours. It is terrible and quite traumatizing. You won't ever want to go to a camp ever again.

Themes : bulling, identity , religion , Parents believes VS there child's , torture , forced respect , depression,  
In the end of the book there is even a few real facts about boot camps.
The main idea of the camp is parents pay thousand of dollars a month to get the child they always knew they had. The rules of the camp is simple obey the laws of your parents. Believe your parents are always right and then you get out of there.

The end didn't exactly make me cry but my eyes were kind of watery and it was just sad BUT I won't give anymore spoilers

 I highly recommend this book but not exactly for the faint hearted.


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